
Airlogix Indoor Air Quality Services

The best in indoor air quality solutions.

UV Air Purifier

The UV air purifier is a device that removes bacteria and viruses from the air by using ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light has been proven to be the most effective way to kill airborne pathogens. UV air purifiers are often used in hospitals, schools, offices and other public places where a large number of people congregate. They can also be found in private homes for use by people who have compromised immune systems or children with asthma.

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Duct Cleaning

Airlogix provides the best in duct cleaning services.
With our experienced and certified technicians, we guarantee your air quality and health will improve. Our team can eliminate bad odours and reduce allergy symptoms, ultimately improving the comfort of your home. Furthermore, our comprehensive approach to duct cleaning ensures that all contaminants are removed, making sure your family breathes only clean air. By choosing Airlogix for duct cleaning needs, you can be sure of professional services at a competitive price.

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Humidifiers are a great way to combat dry air and the symptoms that come with it. They can also increase your comfort and help you sleep better.

Many people have found that humidifiers can ease their respiratory problems, allergies, asthma, and skin conditions. Humidifiers can also help prevent dry skin and chapped lips in the winter months.

Humidifiers are mainly used in places where there is a lack of humidity such as homes, offices, schools and other places where people spend a lot of time indoors. Some examples would be hospitals, nursing homes or retirement communities. Let Airlogix find a humidifier that suits your needs!

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Dryer Vents

Got lint?

Airlogix dryer vent cleaning service can help!

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